american impressionism/lyme art colony

american impressionism/lyme art colony: Woodhull Adams George Ely Home, Old Lyme
Woodhull Adams
George Ely Home, Old Lyme
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Ernest Albert Marsh Lake
Ernest Albert
Marsh Lake
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Beatrice Harper Banning Cara Pia
Beatrice Harper Banning
Cara Pia
A fair haired woman dressed in black with a white lace collar looks down, her hand on her chin, as if in contemplation in this painting by Carroll Beckwith.
J(ames) Carroll Beckwith
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Frank Alfred Bicknell An October Afternoon
Frank Alfred Bicknell
An October Afternoon
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Frank Alfred Bicknell Monhegan
Frank Alfred Bicknell
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Evelyn Montague Bicknell Off the Maine Coast
Evelyn Montague Bicknell
Off the Maine Coast
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Carle J. Blenner Indian Summer, circa 1905
Carle J. Blenner
Indian Summer, circa 1905
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Matilda Browne Snap Dragons I
Matilda Browne
Snap Dragons I
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Matilda Browne Snap Dragons II
Matilda Browne
Snap Dragons II
american impressionism/lyme art colony: George M. Bruestle Along the Stream
George M. Bruestle
Along the Stream
High clouds point from the right of this landscape into the distant composition of fields and trees by George Bruestle.
George M. Bruestle
Connecticut Meadows
A dark foreground with a rutted road leads to a grouping of farm buildings and two large haystacks int his painting by George Brustle.
George M. Bruestle
On The Farm, 1902
Wild roses amble along a broken fence leading the eye to a cluster of farm buildings under a darkening summer sky.
George M. Bruestle
Summer by the Barns
Stone barns with sharply slanted roofs are in the afternoon shadows as snow melts in this painting by George Bruestle.
George M. Bruestle
The Barns, Late Winter
american impressionism/lyme art colony: H. Saxton Burr Landscape with Tower
H. Saxton Burr
Landscape with Tower
Sunlight reflects on a darkened streamed bordered by flowers in this oil painting.
Albert Prentice Button
A Meadow Brook
american impressionism/lyme art colony: William Chadwick Birches
William Chadwick
american impressionism/lyme art colony: William Chadwick Pennsylvania Spring
William Chadwick
Pennsylvania Spring
Indistinctly painted figures cross over an ancient bridge in the Italian countryside in this painting by Lewis Cohen.
Lewis Cohen
On the Bridge
A fugure with a parasol is dwarfed by a roman wall in the middle ground by Lewis Cohen.
Lewis Cohen
The Orange Parasol
This moody painting with the hospital of Toeldo in the distance evokes a landscape with a distant mountain range by Lewis Cohen.
Lewis Cohen
View of Hospital de Tavera,Toledo
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Colin Campbell Cooper Powder Day
Colin Campbell Cooper
Powder Day
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Charles Harold Davis Hilltop Farm, Mystic, CT
Charles Harold Davis
Hilltop Farm, Mystic, CT
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Charles Harold Davis Springtime in Mystic
Charles Harold Davis
Springtime in Mystic
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Hugh deHaven Bora Bora
Hugh deHaven
Bora Bora
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Beavertail, Rhode Island
Roger Dennis
Beavertail, Rhode Island
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Birdhouses in the Marsh
Roger Dennis
Birdhouses in the Marsh
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Early Morning Haze, East Lyme, 1989
Roger Dennis
Early Morning Haze, East Lyme, 1989
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Grassy Hill Road, Winter, 1991
Roger Dennis
Grassy Hill Road, Winter, 1991
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Harkness Park, A July Morning, 1993
Roger Dennis
Harkness Park, A July Morning, 1993
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis In the Meadow, Early Autumn
Roger Dennis
In the Meadow, Early Autumn
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Late September, Harkness Park
Roger Dennis
Late September, Harkness Park
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Lyme Farm
Roger Dennis
Lyme Farm
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Magic Mountain, Vermont
Roger Dennis
Magic Mountain, Vermont
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Perfect Day at the Beach
Roger Dennis
Perfect Day at the Beach
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Roger Dennis Still Life
Roger Dennis
Still Life
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Louis Paul Dessar In the Woods
Louis Paul Dessar
In the Woods
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Louis Paul Dessar Study for Departure of the Fishermen, Circa 1895
Louis Paul Dessar
Study for Departure of the Fishermen, Circa 1895
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Louis Paul Dessar Summer Path
Louis Paul Dessar
Summer Path
american impressionism/lyme art colony: F. Usher DeVoll Providence Harbor
F. Usher DeVoll
Providence Harbor
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Helen Savier DuMond Boats at the Dock
Helen Savier DuMond
Boats at the Dock
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Frank Vincent DuMond Farm Valley in Spring
Frank Vincent DuMond
Farm Valley in Spring
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Helen Savier DuMond House on the Valley Road
Helen Savier DuMond
House on the Valley Road
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Frank Vincent DuMond Lyme Meadows, circa 1920
Frank Vincent DuMond
Lyme Meadows, circa 1920
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Elizabeth Dumond Meadow Brook, 1929
Elizabeth Dumond
Meadow Brook, 1929
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Helen Savier DuMond Overlooking Desert Laguna
Helen Savier DuMond
Overlooking Desert Laguna
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Helen Savier DuMond River Pasture
Helen Savier DuMond
River Pasture
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Helen Savier DuMond River View
Helen Savier DuMond
River View
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Frank Vincent DuMond Spring Day on Grassy Hill
Frank Vincent DuMond
Spring Day on Grassy Hill
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Helen Savier DuMond The Meadow
Helen Savier DuMond
The Meadow
Dumond painted this square canvas depicting the side of a rocky hill cast in shadow. The trees are in autumn colors and sunlight finds its way along the top of the hill at the top of the composition.
Frank Vincent DuMond
The Shadowed Veil
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Helen Savier DuMond Village by the Cove
Helen Savier DuMond
Village by the Cove
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Charles Henry Ebert Whitehead, Monhegan
Charles Henry Ebert
Whitehead, Monhegan
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Joseph H. Greenwood A Glimpse of Litchfield, c. 1890
Joseph H. Greenwood
A Glimpse of Litchfield, c. 1890
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Walter Griffin Old Lyme Pastoral, c 1905
Walter Griffin
Old Lyme Pastoral, c 1905
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Walter Griffin Summer
Walter Griffin
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Childe Hassam The Church at Old Lyme
Childe Hassam
The Church at Old Lyme
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Eugene Higgins Don Quixote, circa 1930
Eugene Higgins
Don Quixote, circa 1930
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Eugene Higgins The Fisherman
Eugene Higgins
The Fisherman
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Eugene Higgins Their Home Ruined
Eugene Higgins
Their Home Ruined
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Black Hall Shore
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Black Hall Shore
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Coal Mine by Moonlight
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Coal Mine by Moonlight
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Full Moon at the Collier
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Full Moon at the Collier
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Morning on Quai D'Austerlitz, Paris
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Morning on Quai D'Austerlitz, Paris
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Sailboat by Moonlight
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Sailboat by Moonlight
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Saxton's River Falls and Covered Bridge
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Saxton's River Falls and Covered Bridge
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman The Hillside in Winter
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
The Hillside in Winter
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Through a Roman Arch, Ronda, Spain
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Through a Roman Arch, Ronda, Spain
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Platt Hubbard Birches
Platt Hubbard
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Frank Townsend Hutchens Tea Time, circa 1920
Frank Townsend Hutchens
Tea Time, circa 1920
Wilson Irvine painted these green fields and stone walls depicting a gray spring day.
Wilson H. Irvine
Gray May Day in Connecticut
Cedar trees flank this white house with a porch where the Lyme artist Wilson Irvine called home. home
Wilson H. Irvine
Irvine's House
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Wilson H. Irvine The Bathers
Wilson H. Irvine
The Bathers
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Harriet Randall Lumis A Meadow Stream
Harriet Randall Lumis
A Meadow Stream
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Mahlon Henry (M. Harry) Marlin A Hint of Autumn
Mahlon Henry (M. Harry) Marlin
A Hint of Autumn
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Lawrence Mazzanovich Clouds Over Westport
Lawrence Mazzanovich
Clouds Over Westport
A still stream reflects the leafless trees on an early spring day in a painting by Lawrence Mazzanovich.
Lawrence Mazzanovich
Early Spring
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Lawrence Mazzanovich Flying Shadows, circa 1915
Lawrence Mazzanovich
Flying Shadows, circa 1915
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Lawrence Mazzanovich Four O'Clock
Lawrence Mazzanovich
Four O'Clock
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Lawrence Mazzanovich Spatial Wanderers
Lawrence Mazzanovich
Spatial Wanderers
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Hermann  Dudley Murphy Old Mystic
Hermann Dudley Murphy
Old Mystic
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Thomas Willoughby Nason Evening Mist, 1943
Thomas Willoughby Nason
Evening Mist, 1943
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Thomas Willoughby Nason Haystacks, 1949
Thomas Willoughby Nason
Haystacks, 1949
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Thomas Willoughby Nason Midsummer (Under the Trees)
Thomas Willoughby Nason
Midsummer (Under the Trees)
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Thomas Willoughby Nason Road To The Sea, 1931
Thomas Willoughby Nason
Road To The Sea, 1931
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Thomas Willoughby Nason Self Portrait, 1955
Thomas Willoughby Nason
Self Portrait, 1955
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Thomas Willoughby Nason The First House and Second House, 1955
Thomas Willoughby Nason
The First House and Second House, 1955
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Thomas Willoughby Nason Village Street, 1936
Thomas Willoughby Nason
Village Street, 1936
Snowy landscape lit with soft winter light.
Mina Fonda Ochtman
A Bright Winter Day
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Tosca Olinsky Flowers in a Vase
Tosca Olinsky
Flowers in a Vase
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Ivan G. Olinsky Jenny
Ivan G. Olinsky
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Ivan G. Olinsky Tosca in Spring
Ivan G. Olinsky
Tosca in Spring
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Joseph Pennell Ferry House from Pierrepont Street
Joseph Pennell
Ferry House from Pierrepont Street
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Ogden Minton Pleissner Spring in Lyme
Ogden Minton Pleissner
Spring in Lyme
A compositionally spare and tonal painting depicting sea and sky by Henry Ward Ranger.
Henry Ward Ranger
Golden Evening
Birch saplings ini the foreground juxtapose the colorful autumn leaves in the middle ground and distance by William S. Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Birches, Autumn
"Undulating Connecticut Landscape" may be an more apt title as the foreground leads into a varied topographic landscape dotted with stone walls, shadows and autumn colors by William Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Connecticut Hills
The granite outcropping on this hillside in an autumn field captures a very familiar scene in Southeastern Connecticut by William Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Fields and Ledges, Old Lyme
Ocean waves foam at the base of these rocky shores by William S. Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Gloucester, Mass, September 1930
A beautiful watercolor sketch of a distant harbor with square rigged schooners by William S. Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Harbor Sketch
An old beach shack in Biloxi was the inspiration for this painting by William S. Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Home by the Bay
Fields, clouds and a distant mountain make up this atmospheric landscape by William Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Intervale, 1926
american impressionism/lyme art colony: William S. Robinson Light Off the Gulf, Biloxi, February 15, 1939
William S. Robinson
Light Off the Gulf, Biloxi, February 15, 1939
This painting sketch quickly renders an approaching storm in the New Hampshire mountains by William Robinson.
William S. Robinson
New Hampshire Mountains, 1921
A large oak stands in the center right of this composition leading a chain of distant trees under a moody sky by William Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Old Lyme
This is an intimate painting of inviting waters lapping along a rocky sea coast by William S. Robinson.
William S. Robinson
On the Shoreline
William Robinson depicts a view as if walking up a farm lane with old barns and a house on the side of the road.
William S. Robinson
The Old Farm Road
Rolling fields bordered by houses and farm buildings in a patchwork of soft colors of Vermont by William Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Vermont Farms, 1927
american impressionism/lyme art colony: William S. Robinson Vermont Hills
William S. Robinson
Vermont Hills
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Edward F. Rook Cliff Dwellers
Edward F. Rook
Cliff Dwellers
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Edward F. Rook Snow, Ice, and Foam (The Bradbury Mill), 1912
Edward F. Rook
Snow, Ice, and Foam (The Bradbury Mill), 1912
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Edward F. Rook The Hidden House
Edward F. Rook
The Hidden House
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Percival Leonard Rosseau Close Work
Percival Leonard Rosseau
Close Work
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Chauncey Foster Ryder In The Valley
Chauncey Foster Ryder
In The Valley
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Paul E. Saling First Snow
Paul E. Saling
First Snow
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Paul E. Saling Midsummer
Paul E. Saling
american impressionism/lyme art colony: (Edward) Gregory Smith House in a Snowy Landscape
(Edward) Gregory Smith
House in a Snowy Landscape
Allen Talcott painted this cliffside scene along the Hudson River in late autumn.
Allen Butler Talcott
Along the Palisades
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Allen Butler Talcott April Buds and Blossoms
Allen Butler Talcott
April Buds and Blossoms
A glass calm stream meanders through this composition of mauve and green undergrowth and trees by Allen Talcott.
Allen Butler Talcott
At the Pond, Springtime
This painting by Allen Talcott depicts the early days of spring when the trees are just beginning to bud.
Allen Butler Talcott
Budding Trees
Allen Talcott painted this abandoned pasture of rocks and cedars under a cloudy sky.
Allen Butler Talcott
Cedar Grove
Spring grass is depicted on the little peninsula below a stone bridge in Central Park, New York City by the painter Allen Talcott.
Allen Butler Talcott
Central Park
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Allen Butler Talcott Edge of the Wood
Allen Butler Talcott
Edge of the Wood
The foreground depicts a rocky ledge overlooking a valley stream with heavy clouds in the distance by Allen Talcott.
Allen Butler Talcott
From the Heights
An enchanting silhouette of a gambrel house atop a cliff along the Hudson River painted in late fall by Allen Talcott.
Allen Butler Talcott
Home on the Palisades
Two large oaks preside along a river bank in autumn in this oil by Allen Talcott.
Allen Butler Talcott
Oaks and the Ledges
Autumn oranges and soft mauves catch the sunlight in this depiction of an autumn cornfield by Allen Talcott.
Allen Butler Talcott
Sunshine in the Cornfield
Possibly depicting a small canal in the south of France this painting by Allen Talcott expresses the arid quality of the region while still showing the lushness.
Allen Butler Talcott
The Bright Light of Autumn
Allen Talcott focuses primarily on the trunks of three majestic oak trees in a wood.
Allen Butler Talcott
The Oaks
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Allen Butler Talcott The Pond In Spring
Allen Butler Talcott
The Pond In Spring
Allen Talcott painted this sun drenched image of tile roofed houses in a tiny village in Europe.
Allen Butler Talcott
Tile Roofed Houses
A lone figure of a woman walks along a dirt road in the French countryside by Allen Talcott.
Allen Butler Talcott
Woman with Basket on Road
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Charles Vezin Manhattan
Charles Vezin
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Edward Volkert Grazing on a Hilltop
Edward Volkert
Grazing on a Hilltop
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Edward Volkert Studies of Ox Teams
Edward Volkert
Studies of Ox Teams
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Edward Volkert The Church at Old Lyme
Edward Volkert
The Church at Old Lyme
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Edward Volkert Through The Fence
Edward Volkert
Through The Fence
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Robert William Vonnoh Portrait of Bertram Bruestle as a Boy
Robert William Vonnoh
Portrait of Bertram Bruestle as a Boy
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Clark Greenwood Voorhees Early Spring Landscape
Clark Greenwood Voorhees
Early Spring Landscape
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Clark Greenwood Voorhees Farmhouse in Autumn
Clark Greenwood Voorhees
Farmhouse in Autumn
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Clark Greenwood Voorhees Farmhouse in Old Lyme
Clark Greenwood Voorhees
Farmhouse in Old Lyme
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Clark Greenwood Voorhees Landscape, Early Spring
Clark Greenwood Voorhees
Landscape, Early Spring
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Clark Greenwood Voorhees Winter Moonrise
Clark Greenwood Voorhees
Winter Moonrise
american impressionism/lyme art colony: David Birdsey Walkley The Old Oak
David Birdsey Walkley
The Old Oak
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White A Quiet Cove
Henry Cooke White
A Quiet Cove
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Along the Coast
Henry Cooke White
Along the Coast
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White An Early Snowfall
Henry Cooke White
An Early Snowfall
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White An Evening Dream
Henry Cooke White
An Evening Dream
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White At the Edge of the Meadow
Henry Cooke White
At the Edge of the Meadow
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Autumn Mists
Henry Cooke White
Autumn Mists
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Connecticut Meadows
Henry Cooke White
Connecticut Meadows
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Drying Sails
Henry Cooke White
Drying Sails
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White East Hartford Meadows
Henry Cooke White
East Hartford Meadows
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Fishing Boat at the Dock
Henry Cooke White
Fishing Boat at the Dock
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Jordan Cove
Henry Cooke White
Jordan Cove
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Moonrise
Henry Cooke White
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White On the Water, South Dartmouth
Henry Cooke White
On the Water, South Dartmouth
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Opalescant Spring
Henry Cooke White
Opalescant Spring
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Reflections
Henry Cooke White
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Ridge Line
Henry Cooke White
Ridge Line
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Rough Riding
Henry Cooke White
Rough Riding
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Sunburst Over the Marshes
Henry Cooke White
Sunburst Over the Marshes
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Surf
Henry Cooke White
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White The Freshness of Spring
Henry Cooke White
The Freshness of Spring
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White The Schooner
Henry Cooke White
The Schooner
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White View of Waterford
Henry Cooke White
View of Waterford
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Waterford Beach
Henry Cooke White
Waterford Beach
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White West Neck Creek, Shelter Island
Henry Cooke White
West Neck Creek, Shelter Island
american impressionism/lyme art colony: Henry Cooke White Willows
Henry Cooke White
american impressionism/lyme art colony: J. Carleton Wiggins A Spring Landscape
J. Carleton Wiggins
A Spring Landscape