
watercolors/pastels: Dehn Adolf Arthur Pennsylvania Countryside
Dehn Adolf Arthur
Pennsylvania Countryside
watercolors/pastels: Artist Unknown Portrait of Talcott Smoking a Pipe

Private Collection, 1895
Artist Unknown
Portrait of Talcott Smoking a Pipe

Private Collection
, 1895
This delicate drawing of a woman's upper back and profile turns her head to the left as if someone just called her name is by Carroll Beckwith.
J(ames) Carroll Beckwith
Profile, c. 1890
Albert Bellows painted the leaves and trees surrounding this forest path in almost photographic detail in the style of the Preraphaelites.
Albert Fitch Bellows
Forest Stream
Boat rigging, roof angles, a bell tower create intersecting angles in this watercolor by Sandor Bernath.
Sandor Bernath
At the Docks
watercolors/pastels: Sandor Bernath Heading West
Sandor Bernath
Heading West
In this watercolor Sandor Bernath creates a portrait of a lobster shack with crisp lines and surrounded by pilings against the backdrop of a cove presumably in Maine.
Sandor Bernath
Lobster Shacks, 1933
Sandor Bernath uses dark colors in this watercolor to depict a stormy day at sea.
Sandor Bernath
A schooner under full sail heals beneath a small flock of gulls in this watercolor by Sandor Bernath.
Sandor Bernath
Racing Home
The contrasting shadows of the three sails under way and the bright blue sea with foam in this watercolor by Sandor Bernath create a sense of power and motion.
Sandor Bernath
Sailing To The Sun
Shadows, clapboards, roofs, a pickett fence and clouds make a visual symphony in this watercolor by Sandor Bernath.
Sandor Bernath
Summer Afternoon, Provincetown
This watercolor by Sandor Bernath depicts a schooner with seven full sails underway along a dark ocean.
Sandor Bernath
The Schooner Elsie, Gloucester, Mass
watercolors/pastels: Fidelia Bridges Begonia Blossoms
Fidelia Bridges
Begonia Blossoms
watercolors/pastels: Anna Mariah Brown Grapevines on an Arbor
Anna Mariah Brown
Grapevines on an Arbor
watercolors/pastels: Anna Mariah Brown Squash Patch
Anna Mariah Brown
Squash Patch
watercolors/pastels: Matilda Browne Snap Dragons I
Matilda Browne
Snap Dragons I
watercolors/pastels: Matilda Browne Snap Dragons II
Matilda Browne
Snap Dragons II
watercolors/pastels: Charles DeWolf Brownell From the Ocean House, Groton, circa 1860
Charles DeWolf Brownell
From the Ocean House, Groton, circa 1860
watercolors/pastels: Charles DeWolf Brownell Lyme, Oct. 5, 1863, 1863
Charles DeWolf Brownell
Lyme, Oct. 5, 1863, 1863
watercolors/pastels: Charles DeWolf Brownell The Ledge
Charles DeWolf Brownell
The Ledge
watercolors/pastels: Bertram G. Bruestle Barn and Distant Hills, Lyme
Bertram G. Bruestle
Barn and Distant Hills, Lyme
watercolors/pastels: Bertram G. Bruestle Barn on Czikowsky's Hill
Bertram G. Bruestle
Barn on Czikowsky's Hill
watercolors/pastels: Bertram G. Bruestle Sunlight and Shadow
Bertram G. Bruestle
Sunlight and Shadow
watercolors/pastels: Dines Carlsen Christmas Greeting
Dines Carlsen
Christmas Greeting
watercolors/pastels: Jerry Caron Smith Neck
Jerry Caron
Smith Neck
watercolors/pastels: Chen Chi Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, 1954
Chen Chi
Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, 1954
watercolors/pastels: Mstislav, Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky Rooftops on the West Side, 1940
Mstislav, Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky
Rooftops on the West Side, 1940
watercolors/pastels: Mary Roberts Ebert Country Road
Mary Roberts Ebert
Country Road
watercolors/pastels: Henry Farrer Close of an Autumn Day, 1897
Henry Farrer
Close of an Autumn Day, 1897
watercolors/pastels: Henry Farrer Houses in the Orchard, Twilight
Henry Farrer
Houses in the Orchard, Twilight
watercolors/pastels: Henry Farrer Last Light on the Marshes
Henry Farrer
Last Light on the Marshes
watercolors/pastels: Henry Farrer Marshland, 1892
Henry Farrer
Marshland, 1892
watercolors/pastels: Henry Farrer Mount Tom
Henry Farrer
Mount Tom
watercolors/pastels: Henry Farrer Summer Evening By The Mill, 1901
Henry Farrer
Summer Evening By The Mill, 1901
watercolors/pastels: Henry Farrer Sunset, Long Island, c. 1880
Henry Farrer
Sunset, Long Island, c. 1880
watercolors/pastels: William Hamilton Gibson A September Day, 1891
William Hamilton Gibson
A September Day, 1891
watercolors/pastels: William Hamilton Gibson Connecticut Meadows, 1894
William Hamilton Gibson
Connecticut Meadows, 1894
watercolors/pastels: Zbigniew Grzyb Circle Series #5
Zbigniew Grzyb
Circle Series #5
watercolors/pastels: David Hagerbaumer Flying Geese, 1957
David Hagerbaumer
Flying Geese, 1957
watercolors/pastels: Richard Clarke Hare Minor Brook, Adirondack Mountains
Richard Clarke Hare
Minor Brook, Adirondack Mountains
watercolors/pastels: Richard Clarke Hare Near Lake Placid, Adirondack Mountains, NY
Richard Clarke Hare
Near Lake Placid, Adirondack Mountains, NY
watercolors/pastels: Richard Clarke Hare Near Malone, New York
Richard Clarke Hare
Near Malone, New York
watercolors/pastels: Harry L(eslie) Hoffman Sailboat by Moonlight
Harry L(eslie) Hoffman
Sailboat by Moonlight
watercolors/pastels: Gigi Horr Liverant Cedars & Wall
Gigi Horr Liverant
Cedars & Wall
watercolors/pastels: Gigi Horr Liverant City Morning
Gigi Horr Liverant
City Morning
watercolors/pastels: Gigi Horr Liverant Crosswalk Study
Gigi Horr Liverant
Crosswalk Study
watercolors/pastels: James McBey Brooklyn Bridge
James McBey
Brooklyn Bridge
watercolors/pastels: James McBey Wall Street
James McBey
Wall Street
watercolors/pastels: Charles Frederick Naegele Far Away Thoughts
Charles Frederick Naegele
Far Away Thoughts
watercolors/pastels: Thomas Willoughby Nason By the Brook
Thomas Willoughby Nason
By the Brook
watercolors/pastels: Charles Sprague Pearce Landscape Study
Charles Sprague Pearce
Landscape Study
watercolors/pastels: Ogden Minton Pleissner Afternoon Shadows, Portugal
Ogden Minton Pleissner
Afternoon Shadows, Portugal
watercolors/pastels: Ogden Minton Pleissner The Quarryman's House
Ogden Minton Pleissner
The Quarryman's House
A beautiful watercolor sketch of a distant harbor with square rigged schooners by William S. Robinson.
William S. Robinson
Harbor Sketch
watercolors/pastels: Rosina Emmet Sherwood Cynthia Holding Baby Ros, 1899
Rosina Emmet Sherwood
Cynthia Holding Baby Ros, 1899
watercolors/pastels: Roswell Morse Shurtleff Cathole Mountain
Roswell Morse Shurtleff
Cathole Mountain
watercolors/pastels: Sewell Sillman Legend
Sewell Sillman
watercolors/pastels: Sewell Sillman Untitled 2-26-81 (Black and Grey Fletches with Blue Line)
Sewell Sillman
Untitled 2-26-81 (Black and Grey Fletches with Blue Line)
watercolors/pastels: Pat Smith Mountains in the Distance
Pat Smith
Mountains in the Distance
watercolors/pastels: Leslie Prince Thompson At the Beach
Leslie Prince Thompson
At the Beach
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White A Quiet Cove
Henry Cooke White
A Quiet Cove
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Along the Coast
Henry Cooke White
Along the Coast
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White An Autumn Moon
Henry Cooke White
An Autumn Moon
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White An Early Snowfall
Henry Cooke White
An Early Snowfall
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White An Evening Dream
Henry Cooke White
An Evening Dream
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White At the Edge of the Meadow
Henry Cooke White
At the Edge of the Meadow
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Autumn Mists
Henry Cooke White
Autumn Mists
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Blue Snow
Henry Cooke White
Blue Snow
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Connecticut Meadows
Henry Cooke White
Connecticut Meadows
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Drying Sails
Henry Cooke White
Drying Sails
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Fishing Boat at the Dock
Henry Cooke White
Fishing Boat at the Dock
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White In the Canal
Henry Cooke White
In the Canal
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White In the Meadows
Henry Cooke White
In the Meadows
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Jordan Cove
Henry Cooke White
Jordan Cove
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White On the Water, South Dartmouth
Henry Cooke White
On the Water, South Dartmouth
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Opalescant Spring
Henry Cooke White
Opalescant Spring
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Reflections
Henry Cooke White
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Sunburst Over the Marshes
Henry Cooke White
Sunburst Over the Marshes
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White The Freshness of Spring
Henry Cooke White
The Freshness of Spring
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White The Schooner
Henry Cooke White
The Schooner
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Tidal Marsh with Copse No. 2, Winter
Henry Cooke White
Tidal Marsh with Copse No. 2, Winter
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Venice Calm, 1897
Henry Cooke White
Venice Calm, 1897
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White View of Waterford
Henry Cooke White
View of Waterford
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White Waterford Beach
Henry Cooke White
Waterford Beach
watercolors/pastels: Henry Cooke White West Neck Creek, Shelter Island
Henry Cooke White
West Neck Creek, Shelter Island